Dangerous goods
Procedures for exporting dangerous goods
(1) Acceptance and checking
1. Before the dangerous goods enter the warehouse, the airline personnel shall be present at the warehouse gate, and according to IATA DGR’s transportation regulations of dangerous goods and the company’s policy of accepting dangerous goods, inspect dangerous goods against “Dangerous Goods Checklist” (Attachment I, II), and check whether the declarations in the “Shipper’s Declaration For Dangerous Goods” (Attachment III) and “Dangerous Goods Acceptance Form” (Attachment IV) are according to the regulations of IATA DGR. After completing the check, the airline personnel shall affix the airline company’s stamp and signature on the declaration form, and hand them to the personnel in charge of handling dangerous goods.
A. Warehouse Gate 27 of the Company’s export warehouse is the dedicated gate for accepting dangerous goods.
B. The airline company shall inspect the dangerous goods at the warehouse gate together with the dangerous goods handling personnel.
2. The freight forwarder shall submit the “Dangerous Goods Acceptance Form” and “Consignment Application Form” to the dangerous goods handling personnel to conduct acceptance of dangerous goods. After receiving the above documents, the dangerous goods handling personnel shall carry out the following pre-acceptance inspection:
A. Check whether the outer packaging is damaged or leaking, and if such conditions exist, request the freight forwarder to take it back and repack.
B. Whether or not various types of incompatible dangerous goods, including dangerous goods with multiple hazards, are placed in isolation, and whether or not the goods are neatly stacked in the direction indicated by the arrow.
C. Check whether the content of the “Dangerous Goods Acceptance Form” are duly filled in (for example, specifying the explosives, ignition point of flammable liquids, etc.), and whether the airline company has affixed a stamp and signature.
D. Whether the dangerous goods label and packaging mark of the goods checked conform with the contents declared in the “Dangerous Goods Acceptance Form”. If the label and mark of the dangerous goods do not match the declaration, the freight forwarder shall check and amend, and then request the airline company to inspect together, before moving the goods to the warehouse upon confirmation.
E. After inspection, measure and weigh the goods, record the results in the “Consignment Application Form” and affix with “Dangerous Goods” stamp, return the dangerous goods to the freight forwarder to be delivered to the dangerous goods warehouse and inform the warehouse administrator. Accompanied by the administrator, the goods shall then be moved to the correct dangerous goods warehouse for storage according to “Farglory Free Trade Zone Dangerous Goods Storage Area Diagram” (Attachment VI), and the “Dangerous Goods Entry and Exit Form” (Attachment VII) has to be filled in and submitted to the dangerous goods warehouse administrator for review.
F. If the general receiver, when receiving goods at the warehouse gate, encounters liquid chemical materials in barrels or goods emitting a strange smell but with no dangerous goods label affixed, shall inquire the cargo owner and notify the airline personnel and dangerous goods handling personnel to confirm on site if the item is dangerous goods. If it is confirmed that the goods are dangerous goods, the freight forwarder has to handle them according to the warehouse entry procedures.
G. If the general receiver, when receiving goods at the warehouse gate, encounters goods affixed with dangerous goods label but are undeclared goods, shall inquire the cargo owner and notify the airline personnel to confirm on site if the item is dangerous goods, and shall not remove the dangerous goods label by themselves.
H. To prevent the dangerous goods from falling and posing danger when transported in the warehouse, stack the goods as neatly and stably as possible, with the dangerous goods label facing outwards, and the total height shall not exceed the height of the cargo basket.
(2) Goods Storage Operation
1. The goods receiving personnel, together with the dangerous goods warehouse administrator, shall stow the measured and weighed dangerous goods in the allocated space according to “Farglory Free Trade Zone Dangerous Goods Storage Area Diagram”.
2. When entering the warehouse, fill in “Dangerous Goods Entry and Exit Form”. The warehouse’s dangerous goods storage area has been designated according to “Dangerous Goods Storage Segregation Table” (Attachment VIII), and the goods receiving personnel need to stow the goods in the warehouse according to the instruction on the tag. The dangerous goods warehouse administrator needs to check the documents and ensure the goods are stowed in the correct place. The following shall also be complied:
A. When stowing dangerous goods with multiple hazards, its primary hazard shall be the basis of classification of storage. If the dangerous goods have sub-hazards, they must also comply with IATA DGR Table 9.3.A according to the sub-hazards, and necessary segregation measures shall be taken for incompatible dangerous goods in the warehouse storage area.
B. When storing Class 4.1 and Class 5.2 dangerous goods, place the goods in a ventilated area, prevent contact with heat source or under direct sunlight, and affix with “Keep Away From Heat” label.
C. When storing radioactive material of II-yellow or III-yellow packaging or overpack and its content contains fissile material, the transport index of a single good cannot exceed 50 (TI<50) and the goods shall be kept at least 6 meters apart.
(3) Goods Picking Operation
For palletization of dangerous goods, the dangerous goods handling personnel shall provide the dangerous goods warehouse administrator at the dangerous goods warehouse with the flight palletization form for picking procedures. After filling in the “Dangerous Goods Entry and Exit Form”, the dangerous goods handling personnel can then move the goods to the export operation area. However, the goods shall be moved carefully and slowly and appropriate preventive measures shall be taken to avoid causing damage.
(4) Palletization
1. Palletizing of dangerous goods shall be carried out at the palletizing machine dedicated for dangerous goods (palletizing machine No. 6).
2. During palletizing, if suspected dangerous goods are found and not specified in the palletizing plan, report to the Customer Service Section and officer on duty at the Operations Section immediately, and contact the airline company to ascertain before proceeding.
3. When palletizing, if damage or leakage occurs, do not proceed but rather notify the airline company and freight forwarder for handling the situation.
4. When palletizing, handle with care and strictly refrain from throwing. Where there is an upwards arrow label, place it according to the direction of the arrow and do not stack heavy objects on top.
5. When palletizing, dangerous goods shall be placed in obvious and easily accessible locations as far as possible (such as the door or outside the pallet) and secured, and not in the center, so as to facilitate the captain’s inspection and handling.
6. When palletizing, segregate the goods according to the “Dangerous Goods Storage Segregation Table” (Attachment VIII) and “Segregation Requirements for Dangerous Goods and Non-dangerous Goods” (Attachment IX) to avoid damaging the goods. For example:
A. Class 6 dangerous goods or dangerous goods with sub-hazard belonging to toxic substances shall not be palletized on the same pallet with live animals or goods with outer packaging labeled with food, feed, etc.
B. I-white, II-yellow and III-yellow radioactive material shall not be palletized on the same pallet to prevent increasing TI (transport index) and thereby expanding the radiation area.
7. After palletizing the pallet, hang the “Dangerous Goods Identification” provided by the airline company on the pallet.
(5) Transportation
1. When a pallet with dangerous goods needs to be transported to the airport, the personnel from the customs department shall transfer the pallet to the dedicated WPE109 terminal for loading dangerous goods, and re-confirm before loading:
A. Whether the “Dangerous Goods Identification” is duly completed and hung on the pallet.
B. Whether the dangerous goods are placed in an obvious location of the pallet and properly stacked and secured according to the direction.
C. Whether the outer packaging of the dangerous goods is damaged, deformed or leaked due to squeezing.
If the customs department’s personnel discover any of the above conditions, stop loading the pallet immediately, and report to the Customer Service Section and officer on duty at the Operations Section, and contact the airline company or other relevant personnel to handle the situation.
2. Pallets containing dangerous goods shall be loaded and transported separately to avoid causing adverse effects with other dangerous goods or general goods. When transporting the pallet, the driver shall also pay attention to any changes to the pallet at all times, and upon discovering any abnormal sound, smoke or odor, pull over by the side and inform the officer on duty, and contact the relevant units and personnel to handle the situation.
(6) Handling of radioactive material
If obvious damage to or leakage from the packaging of the radioactive material is found, or damage or leakage is suspected during receiving, storing, moving or palletizing, the personnel are strictly prohibited from going near the goods, and professional personnel shall be contacted to conduct radiation detection and relevant work. Necessary protective measures may be adopted where necessary, according to the regulations set by the authority concerned, to safeguard the health of people and minimize the impact.
(7) Dangerous Goods Operations Checklist
All operations of exporting dangerous goods are to be supervised and handled by the Company's specialized personnel in charge of dangerous goods. After inspecting each operation, the Dangerous Goods Operations Checklist shall be signed and filed for future reference.
(8) Filing of Dangerous Goods Export Documents
The dangerous goods warehouse administrator shall collect all documents such as “Dangerous Goods Acceptance Form”, etc., related to the dangerous goods for export stored in Farglory, and file them with the Management Section for future reference, up to a period of 18 months.
Dangerous goods
Procedures for Import of Dangerous Goods
(1) Manifest acceptance operation
Airline personnel are to indicate the dangerous goods on the import manifest, and together with the Freight Forwarding Message (FFM), submit to the Import Customer Service Section.
(2) Transportation for imported dangerous goods
1. When an import pallet containing dangerous goods needs to be transported back to the import warehouse, the ground staff shall transfer the pallet to the dedicated terminal (Dangerous Goods WPI107) for unloading, and before unloading, confirm the pallet number, and verify the Dangerous Goods Identification.
2. Pallets containing dangerous goods shall be loaded and transported separately to avoid causing adverse effects with other dangerous goods or general goods. When transporting the pallet, the driver shall also pay attention to any changes to the pallet at all times, and upon discovering any abnormal sound, smoke or odor, pull over by the side and inform the officer on duty, and contact the relevant units and personnel to handle the situation.
3. When the goods arrive at the warehouse, unload the dangerous goods pallet at the dedicated terminal for unloading dangerous goods (WPI107) for the dangerous goods handling personnel to unload the goods at the dedicated area.
(3) Pallet unloading
1. Import customer service personnel are to hand the pallet information containing dangerous goods to the dangerous goods handling personnel, for the dangerous goods handling personnel to carry out the unloading.
2. The dangerous goods handling personnel shall, based on the pallet information, move the pallet to be unloaded and containing dangerous goods, to the dedicated palletizing machine (WPI101) at the dangerous goods unloading point. Transit goods will not be unloaded but moved to the special storage area.
3. Dangerous goods unloaded from the pallet shall be placed according to the “Dangerous Goods Storage Segregation Table” and “Segregation Requirements for Dangerous Goods and Non-dangerous Goods” to avoid damaging the goods. The following shall be complied during the unloading process:
A. When unloading the pallet, if damage or leakage occurs, try to place it in a temporary storage area, and contact the relevant unit according to the Dangerous Goods Accident Emergency Handling Chart and at the same time inform the airline personnel to handle the situation.
B. When unloading the pallet, handle with care and strictly refrain from throwing. Where there is an upwards arrow label, place it according to the direction of the arrow and do not stack heavy objects on top.
C. To prevent dangerous goods from falling and posing danger when transported in the warehouse, goods shall be stacked as neatly and stably as possible, with the dangerous goods label facing outwards, and the total height stacked shall not exceed 1.3 meters (including pallet thickness).
D. Class 6 dangerous goods or dangerous goods with sub-hazard belonging to a toxic substance shall not be placed in the same region as live animals or goods with outer packaging labeled with food, feed, etc.
E. I-white, II-yellow and III-yellow radioactive material shall not be stowed in the same region to prevent increasing TI (transport index) and expanding the radiation area, and thereby endangering the health of the personnel.
F. Class 4.1 and Class 5.2 dangerous goods shall be stowed in a ventilated area, and away from heat source and direct sunlight. When stowing radioactive material of II-yellow or III-yellow packaging or overpack and its content contains fissile material, the transport index of a single good cannot exceed 50 (TI<50) and the goods shall be kept at least 6 meters apart.
G. When stowing radioactive material, it shall be segregated from negatives and film. For the segregation distance, refer to IATA DGR TABLE 9.3F.
H. If suspected dangerous goods are discovered during unloading, place the goods in a temporary storage area. After notifying the airline company and receiving confirmation, store the goods in the warehouse area accordingly, and hand them over to the dedicated warehouse personnel for control and management.
(4) Goods Storage Operation
1. After completing the unloading, the dangerous goods handling personnel shall transfer the dangerous goods to the dangerous goods warehouse administrator for stowing the goods in the dedicated area according to “Farglory Free Trade Zone Dangerous Goods Storage Area Diagram”.
2. When entering the warehouse, the dangerous goods warehouse administrator shall fill in the “Dangerous Goods Entry and Exit Form”. The warehouse’s dangerous goods storage area has been designated according to the “Dangerous Goods Storage Segregation Table”. The dangerous goods warehouse administrator shall stow the goods according to the warehouse instruction tag.
3. When stowing dangerous goods with multiple hazards, its primary hazard shall be the basis of classification of storage. If the dangerous goods have sub-hazards, they must also comply with IATA DGR Table 9.3.A according to the sub-hazards, and necessary segregation measures shall be taken for incompatible dangerous goods in the warehouse storage area.
4. Dangerous goods warehouse administrators shall conduct regular patrol at every dangerous goods warehouse area on a daily basis, and ensure the goods are stowed according to the warehouse instruction tag to maintain the safety of the warehouse.
(5) Goods Picking Operations
For the picking up of dangerous goods by customers, the dangerous goods handling personnel shall provide the dangerous goods warehouse administrator at the dangerous goods warehouse with the bill of lading for picking procedures, and fill in the “Dangerous Goods Entry and Exit Form"". The dangerous goods handling personnel shall then move the dangerous goods to the import dangerous goods release area (Terminal 40) to release the goods. However, the goods shall be moved carefully and slowly, and appropriate preventive measures shall be taken to avoid causing damage.
(6) Handling of radioactive material
If obvious damage to, or leakage from, the packaging of the radioactive material is found, or damage or leakage is suspected during receiving, storing, moving or palletizing, the personnel are strictly prohibited from going near the goods, and professional personnel shall be contacted to conduct radiation detection and relevant work. Necessary protective measures may be adopted where necessary, according to the regulations set by the authority concerned, to safeguard the health of people and minimize the impact.
(7) Handling of overdue dangerous goods
1. On the 5th and 20th of each month, the information on dangerous goods stored in the warehouse for more than 35 days shall be filled out on the list of goods that have not been released by customs and submitted to the Taipei Customs Office for processing.
2. The overdue dangerous goods notified to be processed are to be transported by vehicle of professional hazardous waste disposal company delegated by Taipei Customs Office to Taipei Customs Office’s smuggled goods warehouse for storage or destruction.
3. Expired dangerous goods yet to be notified for processing are still required to be stored in the dangerous goods warehouse according to their classification, and labeled as expired dangerous goods.
(8) Import Dangerous Goods Operations Checklist
All operations of import dangerous goods are to be supervised and handled by the Company's specialized personnel in charge of dangerous goods. After inspecting each operation, the Dangerous Goods Operations Checklist shall be signed and filed for future reference.
(9) Import dangerous goods documents filing
The dangerous goods warehouse administrator shall collect all documents related to the dangerous goods for import stored in Farglory, and file them with the Management Section for future reference, up to a period of 18 months.